How can I request an Interlibrary Loan (ILL)?




Do you want a  book or article that TCC doesn't have? These items can often be borrowed from other libraries through the interlibrary loan system. This service is available to current Tidewater Community College students, faculty and staff. Public and community patrons (including VTC and VIVA) may request interlibrary loan services through their public or academic libraries.

Please allow at least a week for items to arrive. Availability, transit time, and other factors affect how long it takes us to receive a requested item.

We may not be able to borrow DVDs, textbooks, brand new books, really old books, or extremely popular titles. We will not borrow titles that TCC already has in the collection. Patrons are limited to ten interlibrary loans at a time.

  • Last Updated Jul 07, 2023
  • Views 198
  • Answered By Brittany Horn

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