I need newspaper articles from a historical time period. My teacher said to use HarpWeek (Harper's Weekly) and Nineteenth (19th) Century Newspapers. Can you help?


There are videos to help with researching these specific  databases at https://libguides.tcc.edu/subject/USHistory/research

To identify the source of an image from Harper's Weekly, 

  • Click on HarpWeek  1857-1912 https://libguides.tcc.edu/az.php?a=h 
    • You will be asked to log in using your MYTCC information
  • From the HarpWeek Home page, select "Search" from the top menu
  • Select "Full article Text-Standard Search"
  • Locate the "Search String" box (right under the narrowing options) and enter your search terms and click search
  • Click on the title to view the full document

Nineteenth Century Newspapers is another database to research articles from the 1800s. Access this database from the A-Z list https://libguides.tcc.edu/az.php?a=n

  • Last Updated Aug 10, 2022
  • Views 73
  • Answered By Brittany Horn

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