How do I search for course reserves in the library catalog?


1. From the library homepage, click on Advanced Search under the Library Catalog.

tcc library catalog search box

2. Select Search for: Course Reserves.

reserves catalog search limit


3. From the pull down menu select a field to search

  • Title, author and subject work the same way they do in Quicksearch, but will only bring up books on reserve

  • Course name will search for courses by their official TCC course name, for example Principles of Accounting

  • Course Instructor searches last names of instructors. Instructors who place books on reserve will be in the system, but instructor search may not bring up everyone whose class in using the reserve book.

  • Class number searches by TCC class codes with no space between letters and numbers (for example ENG111)

  • Course Department searches reserve items by campus

4. If the search turns up multiple results, Filter my Results will come up on the right side of the screen. Options include Availability, Library (campus), Course Name, Course Instructor, Course ID and Course Department.

reserves catalog search filter results

5. In the detailed view of the item, the course information can be found squeezed together on one line toward the bottom of the details section.

6. Reserve should show up after campus location in the Item’s list of available copies

7. It is possible to find reserves in the library catalog, However many of the searches will also bring up titles that are not on reserve. Filters like Collections>Reserves or Course name can be used to find reserve items in the search results

  • Last Updated Oct 17, 2022
  • Views 110
  • Answered By Brittany Horn

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