Bookstore Info: Course Textbook Reserves Procedure


  1. Bookstore manager Donna Canup will provide the semester course textbook list for each campus to the library district administration prior to the start of classes. The lists will be published to the libraries SharePoint site.
  2. Each campus library will review the list and identify textbooks and supplemental materials for selected courses held in the local collection, placing all copies on reserve for the course.
  3. Any holds on course textbooks in the circulating collection will be cancelled. The library coordinator or designee will reach out to the affected patrons and inform them that the material is reserved for that semester.
  4. When the course materials are held in a different campus library collection, and not being reserved for course use at that campus, the two library coordinators involved will arrange a semester-long intercampus loan to the campus needing the material for course reserves.
  • Last Updated Oct 17, 2022
  • Views 6
  • Answered By Brittany Horn

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