Changing an Existing TCC Alma Record to Community
- Log into Alma.
- Search patron's name.
- Open the existing record by clicking on the name.
- If Account type is External, click on Toggle Account Type (in upper right) and click on Confirm in the popup box. If you do not have that option, you do not have the authority to update the record and must have the circulation supervisor or circulation assistant change the record.
- In General Information, change primary identifier to C + community barcode number.
- Change the User group to Community.
- Add Birth date.
- Update the expiration date to 1 year from today’s date.
- Update the purge date to 1 year from expiration date.
- Click Save.
- Open the record again by clicking on the name and go to the Contact Information Tab
- Update address and phone if necessary.
- Click on the Ellipsis to edit.
- Click on the Save address button.
- Update email
- Click on the Ellipsis to edit.
- Change the TCC or VCCS email to the patron’s current personal email.
- Click on the Save email button.
- Update address and phone if necessary.
- Deactivate EmplID by moving the slider from blue to gray.
- Add Identifier for the Community card barcode number.