How to cancel a hold request in the patron's record
Go to Fulfillment > Manage Patron Services.
Search for patron by name or by their ID number.
To search by name:
First name + Last name or Last name + First name
Click on Fulfillment and then select Manage Patron Services.
On the patron’s services page, click on the Requests tab.
Click on the ellipsis (3 dots) on the selected item and select Cancel.
Select a reason for cancelling the hold request.
After selecting the reason, check the Notify User box and click on the Confirm button.
When the item is deleted from the Requests list, a message appears on the Patron’s Services page that the item was successfully cancelled. Patron will receive a notification (via email or print).
How to Cancel a Hold Request from the Pick from Shelf List
To access the Pick from Shelf list, go to Fulfillment > Pick from Shelf.
Locate the item from the list and click on the Cancel Request button.
If the hold has not been filled, go to Fulfillment then Pick from Shelf. This will list the holds that need to be filled.
If the hold has been filled, go to Fulfillment then Active Hold Shelf. This will list all active holds on the hold shelf.
Look for the hold title to be deleted
Select a reason for cancelling the hold request.
After selecting the reason, check the Notify User box and click on the Confirm button. When the item is deleted from the Pick Up Requested Resources list, a message appears indicating that the item was successfully cancelled. Patron will receive a notification (via email or print).