How to change item location to display


Each Library has a Location named “Display.” Items to be placed on display from the collection should be given a temporary location of Display.

In addition, Alma lets you set a date for when the items should be removed from the temporary location. By using this feature, Alma will automatically generate a ‘Restore’ request slip when it is time to remove the items. If the item is checked out, it will do the Restore at checkin.

To move items to a temporary location:

  • Go to Fulfillment>Scan in Items.
  • At the Scan in Items page, click on the Change Item Information Tab.
  • Select Temporary at the Change Type field.
  • Select Display in the Location field.
  • Enter the date the items come off display in the Due Back field.
  • Scan or enter barcode number.
  • Last Updated Dec 01, 2022
  • Views 8
  • Answered By Brittany Horn

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