How to check out “Borrowed ILL” items in Alma


  1. Unpack items requested by patron.
  2. In WorldShare Borrowing:
    1. Mark item received
    2. Print book strap and affix to book
    3. Write date due on the book strap.
  3. In Alma, search by title for “Borrowed ILL.”
  4. Go to items:
    1. Find the blank item (no barcode number) for your campus. Click on the ... and select duplicate.
    2. Enter the title of the book in the Chronology I field and hit generate.
    3. Scan the ILL number in the barcode field and save.
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  5. Go back to your initial search screen. Click on …and select Request.
  6. Select patron physical item request. Enter the patron’s name and click on the matching Alma record. In the description box, hit the drop-down menu and select your title. Enter the pickup location. Material type is book. Once filled in, enter submit.
  7. Go to “Scan in items” and scan in the ILL barcode. Item should say it is on the hold shelf for patron. Alma will send the patron a notice letting them know it is on the hold shelf and the due date.
  8. When patron picks up item off the hold shelf, check it out in Alma using the ILL barcode as the item barcode. Be sure to change the due date to the ILL due date.
  9. When patron returns the borrowed ILL item, check it in using Alma. 
  10. Process in WorldShare to mark the item returned and package to send back to lending library.
  11. Go in to Alma. Go in to items of “Borrowed ILL items” and find the item that was returned. Item will not be on loan or on hold shelf. Put the item in a temporary withdraw location. CTS will take care of the withdrawal either individually when in the record or with batch processing.
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4/28/20 bf

  • Last Updated Jul 06, 2023
  • Views 28
  • Answered By Brittany Horn

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