VTC Reciprocal Borrowing Program

The Virginia Tidewater Consortium for Higher Education (VTC) serves as the major vehicle for regional cooperation among institutions of higher education and affiliated agencies in the Hampton Roads. Since 1973, VTC institution libraries have offered reciprocal borrowing services to students, faculty and staff of VTC institutions. In many cases, the electronic resources and services of VTC libraries are also available to members. Students, faculty and staff who wish to take advantage of available resources and services at other VTC libraries must obtain a VTC library card from their home institution.


Issuing a VTC Card to TCC Affiliates

1. Check Alma to ensure the account status date is current. TCC ID must be presented.

  • Go to Fulfillment > Manage Patron Services.
  • Search by TCC ID number or name.
  • Click on the Edit User Info button on Patron Services page.
  • On the Quick User Management Page, click on the Full Information link located on the summary section (right side panel) under the patron’s name.

When you click on the link, the page provides more user detail information and the status date. The status date updates daily to indicate the student is currently enrolled.

2. Have the student/faculty/staff fill out the VTC application. You will fill in the valid dates and sign the application. Make a copy of the form for the patron.

3. Fill out the VTC card and have the patron sign it. Do not affix a barcode to the back. That will be for the librar(ies) they visit.

  • The expiration date is the last day of TCC's current semester.
  • Advise the patron to take the card, their copy of the application, and their TCC ID when they visit other VTC institutions.

Creating Alma Accounts for VTC Users

1. Patrons coming to TCC from another VTC institution must provide their VTC card issued from their home library, a valid photo ID (driver's license, state-issued identification card, military ID, or VTC institution ID). We will not use the VTC card issued by their home institution (see next steps).

2. Have the patron complete a community patron application. Under "For Office Use Only," check Consortium and list the home institution along with the community patron card number, your initials, and the date.

3. Follow the instructions for creating a community patron record in Alma

  • Choose Consortium as the User Group.
  • Expiration date is one year from the date issued.
  • Add a note of the home institution.


  • Last Updated Aug 26, 2024
  • Views 26
  • Answered By Brittany Horn

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