Creating a Set for Bowker Book Analysis in Alma
Creating a Set for Bowker Book Analysis in Alma
In Alma go to the Admin tab and select on Manage Sets under Manage Jobs and Sets
Click on the Create Logical Set button in the upper right corner
A box will pop up. Give your set a name, unselect private and set content type to physical titles. Click on Create
The repository search page will open click on the magnifying glass with the plus sign to open advanced search
For the first field select Holdings: Permanent Call Number Type, and the other two fields in the row will automatically populate. Click on the plus sign at the end of the row for a new row. To select the first field, you can choose from categories, choose from recently used terms or search by clicking on the field and typing in it when the magnifying glass appears.
In the next two rows you will set up your call numbers. These rows will not automatically populate. Select permanent call number and greater than and a call number. Then select permanent call number and less than and a call number (since I want to search all of HS to HV I’m making search greater than HS (zero) and less then HX (zero)
For the last row choose Current library and equals and select your library from the list that comes up when you click on the down arrow in the last field
Click on search the search results will come up eventually. When they do click on save
You have successfully created a new set. Alma will return you to the manage sets page. You can click on content to see what titles are in your new set