Claim Returned Procedure
- View the patron’s record in Alma before having them fill out the form.
- Verify that the item(s) are still checked out to the account.
- If the item(s) is no longer on the account, there is no need to continue with the form. Inform the patron that they are in good standing and these items are no longer on their account.
- If the item(s) is still on the account, proceed to next step.
- Confirm that the item(s) are within 180 days of the due date. If the item(s) has gone to collections, it cannot be claimed returned (CR). See supervisor for assistance.
- Ensure there are no other CR forms on record. (Patron fulfillment record -> Loans, Check the loan status of the item. View User notes. If there are two CR notes, they are not eligible for another.
- Verify that the item(s) are still checked out to the account.
- The patron fills out the form. Ensure it is completely filled out before the patron leaves.
- Print out a copy of the patron’s loans and attach to this form.
- Highlight the item(s) claimed returned and conduct a shelf check. Search the stacks, book drop, reshelving carts, and other back office areas. Reach out to other campus if patron claims the item(s) was returned there.
- If found, check the item(s) in. Email the patron that the item(s) is off their record. Shred the form.
- If the item(s) is not found, submit this form to the library staff member who manages these files.
- In the patron’s “Loans” page, click on the 3 dots next to the item(s) and select Claimed Return.
Circulation Supervisors & Assistant Supervisors:
- Verify the form is correct and the patron has fewer than two CR incidents on record. Contact patron if they are ineligible to CR additional items or if there is any missing information.
- Verify item(s) is marked CR in Alma.
- Direct staff to search for item(s) at least two times within the next month:
Search date 1: _______ Search Date 2: _______ Search Date 3: ______
- Contact patron with the results of the search. This form can be securely disposed in ____weeks/months/years.