VIVA Circulation Procedures

The VIVA Cooperative Borrowing Program allows students, faculty, and staff at VIVA institutions to request to borrow materials on-site from any participating library within the Commonwealth of Virginia.



  • TCC students who want to become a borrower at VIVA participating institutions must provide their TCC picture ID and proof that they are currently enrolled in classes at TCC.
    • The student can log into their SIS account to see the student’s schedule (this may be done on a smartphone or other mobile device). 
    • Alternatively, the student may bring a copy of their course schedule to the VIVA institution.
  • Faculty and staff must provide their TCC picture ID card. The library staff at the other institution will search the TCC faculty/staff directory to verify that they are an employee who currently works at TCC.
  • To determine the borrowing rules in advance, go to the VIVA Cooperative Borrowing website and click on the library of interest. The participating libraries will display lending rules on the site.


  • The patron will be given a TCC community patron card.
    • The card is valid until the end of the semester.
    • A VIVA borrower must present a valid form of photo identification, such as an institutional or government-issued ID, as well as proof of status as a student or employee to borrow materials.
  • Go to the VIVA Cooperative Borrowing Program website 
    • Click on the library the person is from and you will find links to search for students, faculty, and staff.
    • For most institutions:
      • To search for faculty, you will search the other school’s directory.
      • For students, have them log into their school’s student account and show proof that they are currently enrolled in classes (class schedule). For individuals from a Virginia Tidewater Consortium (VTC) institution, refer to the VTC instructions on adding patrons in Alma.
    • After the student, faculty, or staff has been verified:
      • Have the borrower fill out a community application.
      • Add the institution’s name at the bottom of the application.
      • Select the VIVA borrower type at the bottom of the application.
      • Add the VIVA/Consortium ID at the bottom of the application.
      • Write the patron’s student ID number or the patron’s employee ID number.
      • Borrower must provide their institutional email address.
      • If the borrower is affiliated with a Virginia Community College, follow these instructions.
      • If the borrower is not affiliated with a Virginia Community College, create a new Alma account following the instructions for adding a community patron in Alma.
      • Change the user type to Consortium.
      • For the primary ID use a combination of the school’s name and the community card barcode number. (ex. ODU27300000000000)
      • Add an EmplID in the patron’s Alma account.
        • Use the student’s school ID number or staff ID number with the institution's name (letters) in front of the number. (ex. ODU1234567)
      • For the barcode number use the barcode number from the community card.
      • Add a Circulation Note that includes the school the student attends or employee works. (e.g. ODU student or ODU employee).
      • Change the expiration date to the end of the semester and the purge date (one year from the expiration date).
      • Write VIVA on the community card to identify the type of borrower.
      • Give the completed application to the circulation supervisor for review.
      • The lending rules are the same as community patrons.

Account Renewals

  • The VIVA borrower may use the same card from the previous semester.
    • Issue a new card if the patron does not have the card from the previous semester.
    • Write VIVA on the new community card to identify the type of borrower.
  • The VIVA borrower must present a valid form of photo identification, such as an institutional or government-issued ID, as well as proof of status to borrow materials. To check the patron’s status the library staff needs to go to the VIVA Borrowing website to access student account or employee directory.
    • Click on the library the person is from and you will find links to search for students, faculty, and staff.
    • For most institutions:
      • To search for faculty, you will search the other school’s directory.
      • For students, have them log into their school’s student account and show proof that they are currently enrolled in classes (class schedule).
      • For individuals from a Virginia Tidewater Consortium (VTC) institution, refer to the VTC instructions on adding patrons in Alma.
    • After the student, faculty, or staff have been verified:
      • Have the borrower fill out a new community application.
      • Add the institution’s name at the bottom of the application.
      • Select the VIVA borrower type at the bottom of the application.
      • Add the VIVA/Consortium ID at the bottom of the application.
      • Write the patron’s student ID number or the patron’s employee ID number.
      • Update the expiration date to the end of the semester and the purge date (one year from the expiration date).


Alma can handle most of the statistics for the following, except for the number of items being shipped.

  • The number of VIVA borrowers, if possible, by the home institution and type (faculty and student).
  • The number of books loaned to VIVA borrowers, if possible, by the home institution and type (faculty and student).
  • Amounts paid by borrowers or libraries for lost, damaged, or non-returned materials.
  • The number of books shipped from the home library to the lending library.
    • The ILL department may be able to keep tabs on the shipping of library materials to the lending library.
  • Keep statistics in SharePoint
  • Update monthly

Returns to the lending library

  • Items loaned from other VIVA libraries may be returned to a TCC library using UPS.
    • The TCC will not be responsible for the return of the materials and the fines and fees that may generate.
  • Last Updated Jun 05, 2024
  • Views 38
  • Answered By Brittany Horn

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